Bako Safe SDK
Bako Standalone
import { IPayloadVault, Vault, BakoSafe } from 'bakosafe'
import { Address } from 'fuels'
// find the configurables needed to create a vault
const { abi } = await Vault.BakoSafeGetCurrentVersion()
const params: IPayloadVault = {
  name: 'My First Vault',
  description: 'This is my first example of a Vault',
  // configurable properties are defined according to the ABI configurables of the predicate contract version 
  configurable: {
    SIGNERS: [Address.fromRandom().toString(), Address.fromRandom().toString()],
    network: BakoSafe.getProviders('CHAIN_URL'),
const vault = await Vault.create(params)

It is also possible to create a vault with a specific predicate contract version.

import { IPayloadVault, Vault, BakoSafe } from 'bakosafe'
import { Address } from 'fuels'
const safe_code = 'real_code'
const vaultVersion = await Vault.BakoSafeGetVersionByCode(safe_code)
const params: IPayloadVault = {
  name: 'My First Vault',
  description: 'This is my first example of a Vault',
  configurable: {
    SIGNERS: [Address.fromRandom().toString(), Address.fromRandom().toString()],
    network: BakoSafe.getProviders('CHAIN_URL'),
  version: vaultVersion.code,
const vault = await Vault.create(params)